Family as a System
Well that sounds like a great read! Okay maybe not the best
title, but a fascinating topic. I like to think of the family in the system
theory. The parts are interrelated individuals.
I think that to have a successful family all individuals need to do be
working together and doing their part in the family relationship. If one of their family members is out of sync
it affects the rest of the family. However, the beautiful thing when a family
member out of sync the other members in the family (system) can pick up the pieces
or step in and help each other out.
Being married for 32 years has been a huge blessing for our
family. It has been said that it takes a
village to raise a child. That maybe true
to some extent, friends, neighbors, and members of a religious group influence
family members. However, having a strong
family system gives family members a safe place to land when someone in the
system needs help.
When our kids were little, bedtime was 8:00, it did not
matter if they were asleep, reading or playing quietly they needed to be in
their rooms. This gave Matt and I time
to reconnect as husband and wife, as the kids got older their bedtime extended,
however there were times when I was exhausted. I would say to my family mom is
going to bed. I knew that I could do this,
and the kids would be fine, he’s the dad, not a babysitter. Matt is an awesome
husband and father. He understood that I was maxed out for the day and needed a
break. There were also times when I knew he needed a break, we worked together
to raise our kids.
When one of our children was going through a particular hard
time in their life, due to their own choices, if affected the rest of the
family. There was more stress with each of us, but we were able to come together
and support each other and the sibling when he would allow it. Our family system
was still functioning, but we had to adjust to keep our family strong. Looking
back on this struggle we are stronger as a family because of the way we as a
family handled the situation. We had built strong enough family relationships
to help him, instead of tearing him down. We gave him a soft place to land.
Building a strong relationship between family members takes
work and time. We started when we were first married. Matt and I did things together.
Sure, we both have our own interests, but what mattered most was building the
marriage, then the family. We took time
when the kids were young to be together. Rather that was going to the park,
eating dinner together, or going on bike rides. Sunday was considered family
day and the kids were not allowed to play with friends. We took the opportunity to spend our time together. As the kids got older there were the school
music concerts, and sports. It was just natural that we went to each of their
events and their siblings came along.
They became part of each other lives and interests.
Sadly, I have seen when this is not the case in families,
each person act as an independent part.
I have had friends and family members comment on our family and how close
we are. We started young and continue
today to support where we can. I love
that fact that my adult kids are friends with each other. This does not mean we are perfect; we still
have problems. At times we do not
function as a system, but I am quick to recognize it and remind them what is
important. Yes, be an individual, live
your life, but remember your family is your safe place to land.
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