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Showing posts from January, 2021
  FAML 160 Are we more then what society tells us we are? As I was watching each of the People Like Us video clips I was astonished how people viewed themselves and how I was classifying them. I was appalled at the social elite and their arrogance, the belles and the shallowness of what they are, but I was equally appalled by Tammy Crabtree and her story. Tammy Crabtree and her family really got to me.   I have always believed it’s our choice rather we are successful or not. We all have challenges to overcome and our drive and determination influence if we are successful. After watching Tammy’s story, I am not so sure if I really believe that about all people.   I do not think that Tammy has the slightest idea where to start or how to start to change her life. Tammy kept saying she wanted to do better for her family.   The second episode she was at least was living in a home closer to he...
  Family as a System Well that sounds like a great read! Okay maybe not the best title, but a fascinating topic. I like to think of the family in the system theory. The parts are interrelated individuals.   I think that to have a successful family all individuals need to do be working together and doing their part in the family relationship.   If one of their family members is out of sync it affects the rest of the family. However, the beautiful thing when a family member out of sync the other members in the family (system) can pick up the pieces or step in and help each other out. Being married for 32 years has been a huge blessing for our family.   It has been said that it takes a village to raise a child.   That maybe true to some extent, friends, neighbors, and members of a religious group influence family members.   However, having a strong family system gives family members a safe place to land when someone in the system needs help. When our kid...
 Does it really matter who raises a child?         I think that my head might just explode with this question. In 2005 the American Psychological Association (APA) presented to the Supreme court: "Not a single study has found children of lesbian or gay parents to be disadvantaged in any significant respect relative to children of heterosexual parents."  Sadly, the studies that were used to come to this conclusion are flawed in so many aspects that we really do not know the true answer. One would think that if you are going to redefine what marriage is you would need to take into consideration the affects it has on children. In my opinion before making such a critical decision you would need a longitudinal study, at a minimum I would think it would take twenty-five years and then continued follow-up research in order to get a complete picture of the affects homosexual parents have on children, if there are any affects. Redefining marriage...
Me and My Fantastic Life     Fantastic life?  Well it's a good life, not perfect but good. I am 53 years old.  I have been mostly happily married for 32 years.  Thirty-two years of marriage hasn't been all sunshine and roses, most marriages aren't perfect but with commitment, and work it's a beautiful thing. Mat and I have three grown children, and a new grand-daughter, who by the way is perfect!  I work full-time at BYUI in the Student Support department. I have worked for the University for 19 years.  Most of my time at the university has been part-time.  I was able to work my work schedule around my mom/wife schedule.  I feel very blessed to have been able to do this. I have worked some aspect of events for the 19 years.  There has been a lot of weekends and late nights. Who knew this is what I wanted to do when I grew up.   I am the coordinator for student events on campus.  I love my job, it is fun, exciting, exhausti...