I love you- -what does that really mean? Research indicates that humans are “hard-wired” for love. Our well being depends on love as it does for food, water and air. We hear I love . . . all the time, I love you, I love pizza, I love Disney land, I love summer, I love chocolate. But what does I love you really mean? There are four Greek words that help us define love. The first is storge , which describes the love between a parent and child. This type of love is very different from the love between friends, philia explains this type of love. Philia is used to describe a warm and close relationship. Agape love happens when on the behalf of the well-being of someone else, rather you like the person or not. However, in the media Eros is the form of love that we see, read about, and hear the most about. Eros is the erotic love that exists between a man and woman. Eros love is the love when people long to be together. Being married for 32 ...